Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Tscrack was one of the first Remote Desktop password-cracking tools to be released. While it is nothing more than a brute force password guesser that throws a predetermined list of passwords at a Remote Desktop logon session, it can test over 20 passwords a minute, with several different options available during the testing. In addition, tscrack can use other information, such as the domain name, which could help in cracking the password. To execute this program against the target of the RDP file. TScrack is a dictionary based (rather than bruteforce) password cracker for Microsoft Windows Terminal Services (RDP).

tscrack -t -w passwords.txt -l administrator -D

Remote Assistance

Ethereal capture of Remote Assistance request

Remote Assistance is similar to the Remote Desktop, except that it allows two people to be connected to a computer at one time. Typically, a novice who needs the help of a technician will use this program. To receive help, the novice selects the Remote Assistance option from his Help page and sends the technician an email, MSN message, or file that allows the technician to connect to the computer. Unlike Remote Desktop, which is typically protected by a password, Remote Assistance does not have to be protected by a password. This can cause security problems. Unfortunately, the Remote Assistance file is nothing more than an encrypted link that is sent as plain text to the technician. Therefore, any sniffer can see the link and a hacker can potentially recreate the link and connect to the novice's computer instead of the technician. With a little social engineering, the hacker could talk the novice into giving the hacker full control and then could install a backdoor (or more) in a few minutes.



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