Blackbuntu is distribution for penetration testing which was specially designed for security training students and practitioners of information security.
Blackbuntu is Ubuntu base distro for Penetration Testing with
GNOME Desktop Environment. It's currently being built using the
Ubuntu 10.10 and work on reference
- Remove acroread
- Added Start/Stop Service Menu like <- Added Videosnarf
- Added Xplico
- Added fragrouter.
- Added Nemesis.
- Added Bizploit
- Added weevely
- Added Matahari
- Added Plecost
- Added Pynject
- Added SAP script from
- Added numlockx (Credit to anidear).
- Recompile Kismet-new core to support Linux Netlink(LibNL/nl80211).
- Kernel modules patched it all up for packet injection/fragmentation/channel hopping, etc for wireless(Credit to Alex Ploiter)
- Upgrade dradis 2.4.1 to 2.6
- Update and integration of all the tools previosly available in Release 0.1
- Fixed 0trace - usleep not found on the system(credit Bruno Criado)
- Fixed Pentbox menu error and directory permission.
- Fixed menu wireshark doesn't run as root.
- Enable "ctrl+alt+backspace" Key Sequence to kill the X server (Credit to anidear).
- Removed unnecessary service on statup
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