Sunday, May 25, 2008

goo Green

goo Green Label is an "environmentally-friendly" search engine You can contribute to the protection of the global environment by using our search engine, which generates money mainly from the advertisements. The fund raised will be donated to an environmental non-government organization (NGO).

For example, the earth temperature is hiking up from the CO2 exhausted from our daily lives. (※1) Apart from living a convenient life, we should act up to save this precious earth for the next generation. What can we do to save the environment?

Now, "goo" takes the action to solve the global environmental problems, in cooperation with the environmental conservation organization. We need your help, i.e., a web user’s support, to make a difference by this project. All you have to do is to simply change your search engine to "goo Green Label" for your regular web search. →use now


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