nmap [Scan Type(s)] [Options]
Nmap is designed to allow system administrators and curi-
ous individuals to scan large networks to determine which
hosts are up and what services they are offering. nmap
supports a large number of scanning techniques such as:
UDP, TCP connect(), TCP SYN (half open), ftp proxy (bounce
attack), Reverse-ident, ICMP (ping sweep), FIN, ACK sweep,
Xmas Tree, SYN sweep, IP Protocol, and Null scan. See the
Scan Types section for more details. nmap also offers a
number of advanced features such as remote OS detection
via TCP/IP fingerprinting, stealth scanning, dynamic delay
and retransmission calculations, parallel scanning, detec-
tion of down hosts via parallel pings, decoy scanning,
port filtering detection, direct (non-portmapper) RPC
scanning, fragmentation scanning, and flexible target and
port specification.
Significant effort has been put into decent nmap perfor-
mance for non-root users. Unfortunately, many critical
kernel interfaces (such as raw sockets) require root priv-
ileges. nmap should be run as root whenever possible (not
setuid root, of course).
The result of running nmap is usually a list of interest-
ing ports on the machine(s) being scanned (if any). Nmap
always gives the port's "well known" service name (if
any), number, state, and protocol. The state is either
'open', 'filtered', or 'unfiltered'. Open means that the
target machine will accept() connections on that port.
Filtered means that a firewall, filter, or other network
obstacle is covering the port and preventing nmap from
determining whether the port is open. Unfiltered means
that the port is known by nmap to be closed and no fire-
wall/filter seems to be interfering with nmap's attempts
to determine this. Unfiltered ports are the common case
and are only shown when most of the scanned ports are in
the filtered state.
Depending on options used, nmap may also report the fol-
lowing characteristics of the remote host: OS in use, TCP
sequencability, usernames running the programs which have
bound to each port, the DNS name, whether the host is a
smurf address, and a few others.
Options that make sense together can generally be com-
bined. Some options are specific to certain scan modes.
nmap tries to catch and warn the user about psychotic or
unsupported option combinations.
If you are impatient, you can skip to the examples section
at the end, which demonstrates common usage. You can also
run nmap -h for a quick reference page listing all the
-sT TCP connect() scan: This is the most basic form of
TCP scanning. The connect() system call provided by
your operating system is used to open a connection
to every interesting port on the machine. If the
port is listening, connect() will succeed, other-
wise the port isn't reachable. One strong advantage
to this technique is that you don't need any spe-
cial privileges. Any user on most UNIX boxes is
free to use this call.
This sort of scan is easily detectable as target
host logs will show a bunch of connection and error
messages for the services which accept() the con-
nection just to have it immediately shutdown.
-sS TCP SYN scan: This technique is often referred to
as "half-open" scanning, because you don't open a
full TCP connection. You send a SYN packet, as if
you are going to open a real connection and you
wait for a response. A SYN|ACK indicates the port
is listening. A RST is indicative of a non-lis-
tener. If a SYN|ACK is received, a RST is immedi-
ately sent to tear down the connection (actually
our OS kernel does this for us). The primary advan-
tage to this scanning technique is that fewer sites
will log it. Unfortunately you need root privi-
leges to build these custom SYN packets.
-sF -sX -sN
Stealth FIN, Xmas Tree, or Null scan modes: There
are times when even SYN scanning isn't clandestine
enough. Some firewalls and packet filters watch for
SYNs to restricted ports, and programs like Synlog-
ger and Courtney are available to detect these
scans. These advanced scans, on the other hand, may
be able to pass through unmolested.
The idea is that closed ports are required to reply
to your probe packet with an RST, while open ports
must ignore the packets in question (see RFC 793 pp
64). The FIN scan uses a bare (surprise) FIN
packet as the probe, while the Xmas tree scan turns
on the FIN, URG, and PUSH flags. The Null scan
turns off all flags. Unfortunately Microsoft (like
usual) decided to completely ignore the standard
and do things their own way. Thus this scan type
will not work against systems running Windows95/NT.
On the positive side, this is a good way to distin-
guish between the two platforms. If the scan finds
open ports, you know the machine is not a Windows
box. If a -sF,-sX,or -sN scan shows all ports
closed, yet a SYN (-sS) scan shows ports being
opened, you are probably looking at a Windows box.
This is less useful now that nmap has proper OS
detection built in. There are also a few other
systems that are broken in the same way Windows is.
They include Cisco, BSDI, HP/UX, MVS, and IRIX.
All of the above send resets from the open ports
when they should just drop the packet.
-sP Ping scanning: Sometimes you only want to know
which hosts on a network are up. Nmap can do this
by sending ICMP echo request packets to every IP
address on the networks you specify. Hosts that
respond are up. Unfortunately, some sites such as block echo request packets. Thus
nmap can also send a TCP ack packet to (by default)
port 80. If we get an RST back, that machine is
up. A third technique involves sending a SYN
packet and waiting for a RST or a SYN/ACK. For
non-root users, a connect() method is used.
By default (for root users), nmap uses both the
ICMP and ACK techniques in parallel. You can
change the -P option described later.
Note that pinging is done by default anyway, and
only hosts that respond are scanned. Only use this
option if you wish to ping sweep without doing any
actual port scans.
-sU UDP scans: This method is used to determine which
UDP (User Datagram Protocol, RFC 768) ports are
open on a host. The technique is to send 0 byte
udp packets to each port on the target machine. If
we receive an ICMP port unreachable message, then
the port is closed. Otherwise we assume it is
Some people think UDP scanning is pointless. I usu-
ally remind them of the recent Solaris rcpbind
hole. Rpcbind can be found hiding on an undocu-
mented UDP port somewhere above 32770. So it
doesn't matter that 111 is blocked by the firewall.
But can you find which of the more than 30,000 high
ports it is listening on? With a UDP scanner you
can! There is also the cDc Back Orifice backdoor
program which hides on a configurable UDP port on
Windows machines. Not to mention the many commonly
vulnerable services that utilize UDP such as snmp,
tftp, NFS, etc.
Unfortunately UDP scanning is sometimes painfully
slow since most hosts impliment a suggestion in RFC
1812 (section of limiting the ICMP error
message rate. For example, the Linux kernel (in
net/ipv4/icmp.h) limits destination unreachable
message generation to 80 per 4 seconds, with a 1/4
second penalty if that is exceeded. Solaris has
much more strict limits (about 2 messages per sec-
ond) and thus takes even longer to scan. nmap
detects this rate limiting and slows down accord-
ingly, rather than flood the network with useless
packets that will be ignored by the target machine.
As is typical, Microsoft ignored the suggestion of
the RFC and does not seem to do any rate limiting
at all on Win95 and NT machines. Thus we can scan
all 65K ports of a Windows machine very quickly.
-sO IP protocol scans: This method is used to determine
which IP protocols are supported on a host. The
technique is to send raw IP packets without any
further protocol header to each specified protocol
on the target machine. If we receive an ICMP pro-
tocol unreachable message, then the protocol is not
in use. Otherwise we assume it is open. Note that
some hosts (AIX, HP-UX, Digital UNIX) and firewalls
may not send protocol unreachable messages. This
causes all of the protocols to appear "open".
Because the implemented technique is very similar
to UDP port scanning, ICMP rate limit might apply
too. But the IP protocol field has only 8 bits, so
at most 256 protocols can be probed which should be
possible in reasonable time anyway.
-sA ACK scan: This advanced method is usually used to
map out firewall rulesets. In particular, it can
help determine whether a firewall is stateful or
just a simple packet filter that blocks incoming
SYN packets.
This scan type sends an ACK packet (with random
looking acknowledgement/sequence numbers) to the
ports specified. If a RST comes back, the ports is
classified as "unfiltered". If nothing comes back
(or if an ICMP unreachable is returned), the port
is classified as "filtered". Note that nmap usu-
ally doesn't print "unfiltered" ports, so getting
no ports shown in the output is usually a sign that
all the probes got through (and returned RSTs).
This scan will obviously never show ports in the
"open" state.
-sW Window scan: This advanced scan is very similar to
the ACK scan, except that it can sometimes detect
open ports as well as filtered/nonfiltered due to
an anomaly in the TCP window size reporting by some
operating systems. Systems vulnerable to this
include at least some versions of AIX, Amiga, BeOS,
BSDI, Cray, Tru64 UNIX, DG/UX, OpenVMS, Digital
OpenBSD, OpenStep, QNX, Rhapsody, SunOS 4.X,
Ultrix, VAX, and VxWorks. See the nmap-hackers
mailing list archive for a full list.
-sR RPC scan. This method works in combination with
the various port scan methods of Nmap. It takes
all the TCP/UDP ports found open and then floods
them with SunRPC program NULL commands in an
attempt to determine whether they are RPC ports,
and if so, what program and version number they
serve up. Thus you can effectively obtain the same
info as firewall (or protected by TCP wrappers).
Decoys do not currently work with RPC scan, at some
point I may add decoy support for UDP RPC scans.
FTP bounce attack: An interesting "feature" of the
ftp protocol (RFC 959) is support for "proxy" ftp
connections. In other words, I should be able to
connect from to the FTP server of tar- and request that the server send a file
ANYWHERE on the internet! Now this may have worked
well in 1985 when the RFC was written. But in
today's Internet, we can't have people hijacking
ftp servers and requesting that data be spit out to
arbitrary points on the internet. As *Hobbit* wrote
back in 1995, this protocol flaw "can be used to
post virtually untraceable mail and news, hammer on
servers at various sites, fill up disks, try to hop
firewalls, and generally be annoying and hard to
track down at the same time." What we will exploit
this for is to (surprise, surprise) scan TCP ports
from a "proxy" ftp server. Thus you could connect
to an ftp server behind a firewall, and then scan
ports that are more likely to be blocked (139 is a
good one). If the ftp server allows reading from
and writing to some directory (such as /incoming),
you can send arbitrary data to ports that you do
find open (nmap doesn't do this for you though).
The argument passed to the 'b' option is the host
you want to use as a proxy, in standard URL nota-
tion. The format is:
username:password@server:port. Everything but
server is optional. To determine what servers are
vulnerable to this attack, you can see my article
in Phrack 51. And updated version is available at
the nmap URL (
None of these are required but some can be quite
-P0 Do not try and ping hosts at all before scanning
them. This allows the scanning of networks that
don't allow ICMP echo requests (or responses)
through their firewall. is an exam-
ple of such a network, and thus you should always
use -P0 or -PT80 when portscanning
-PT Use TCP "ping" to determine what hosts are up.
Instead of sending ICMP echo request packets and
waiting for a response, we spew out TCP ACK packets
throughout the target network (or to a single
machine) and then wait for responses to trickle
back. Hosts that are up should respond with a RST.
This option preserves the efficiency of only scan-
ning hosts that are up while still allowing you to
scan networks/hosts that block ping packets. For
non root users, we use connect(). To set the des-
tination port of the probe packets use -PT
is often not filtered out.
-PS This option uses SYN (connection request) packets
instead of ACK packets for root users. Hosts that
are up should respond with a RST (or, rarely, a
-PI This option uses a true ping (ICMP echo request)
packet. It finds hosts that are up and also looks
for subnet-directed broadcast addresses on your
network. These are IP addresses which are exter-
nally reachable and translate to a broadcast of
incomming IP packets to a subnet of computers.
These should be eliminated if found as they allow
for numerous denial of service attacks (Smurf is
the most common).
-PB This is the default ping type. It uses both the
ACK ( -PT ) and ICMP ( -PI ) sweeps in parallel.
This way you can get firewalls that filter either
one (but not both).
-O This option activates remote host identification
via TCP/IP fingerprinting. In other words, it uses
a bunch of techniques to detect subtleties in the
underlying operating system network stack of the
computers you are scanning. It uses this informa-
tion to create a 'fingerprint' which it compares
with its database of known OS fingerprints (the
nmap-os-fingerprints file) to decide what type of
system you are scanning.
If Nmap is unable to guess the OS of a machine, and
conditions are good (eg at least one open port),
Nmap will provide a URL you can use to submit the
fingerprint if you know (for sure) the OS running
on the machine. By doing this you contribute to
the pool of operating systems known to nmap and
thus it will be more accurate for everyone. Note
that if you leave an IP address on the form, the
machine may be scanned when we add the fingerprint
(to validate that it works).
The -O option also enables several other tests.
One is the "Uptime" measurement, which uses the TCP
timestamp option (RFC 1323) to guess when a machine
was last rebooted. This is only reported for
machines which provide this information.
Another test enabled by -O is TCP Sequence Pre-
dictability Classification. This is a measure that
describes approximately how hard it is to establish
a forged TCP connection against the remote host.
This is useful for exploiting source-IP based trust
relationships (rlogin, firewall filters, etc) or
for hiding the source of an attack. The actual
difficulty number is based on statistical sampling
and may fluctuate. It is generally better to use
the English classification such as "worthy chal-
lenge" or "trivial joke". This is only reported in
normal output with -v.
When verbose mode (-v) is on with -O, IPID Sequence
Generation is also reported. Most machines are in
-I This turns on TCP reverse ident scanning. As noted
by Dave Goldsmith in a 1996 Bugtraq post, the ident
protocol (rfc 1413) allows for the disclosure of
the username that owns any process connected via
TCP, even if that process didn't initiate the con-
nection. So you can, for example, connect to the
http port and then use identd to find out whether
the server is running as root. This can only be
done with a full TCP connection to the target port
(i.e. the -sT scanning option). When -I is used,
the remote host's identd is queried for each open
port found. Obviously this won't work if the host
is not running identd.
-f This option causes the requested SYN, FIN, XMAS, or
NULL scan to use tiny fragmented IP packets. The
idea is to split up the TCP header over several
packets to make it harder for packet filters,
intrusion detection systems, and other annoyances
to detect what you are doing. Be careful with this!
Some programs have trouble handling these tiny
packets. My favorite sniffer segmentation faulted
immediately upon receiving the first 36-byte frag-
ment. After that comes a 24 byte one! While this
method won't get by packet filters and firewalls
that queue all IP fragments (like the CON-
FIG_IP_ALWAYS_DEFRAG option in the Linux kernel),
some networks can't afford the performance hit this
causes and thus leave it disabled.
Note that I do not yet have this option working on
all systems. It works fine for my Linux, FreeBSD,
and OpenBSD boxes and some people have reported
success with other *NIX variants.
-v Verbose mode. This is a highly recommended option
and it gives out more information about what is
going on. You can use it twice for greater effect.
Use -d a couple of times if you really want to get
crazy with scrolling the screen!
-h This handy option display a quick reference screen
of nmap usage options. As you may have noticed,
this man page is not exactly a 'quick reference' :)
This logs the results of your scans in a normal
human readable form into the file you specify as an
This logs the results of your scans in XML form
into the file you specify as an argument. This
allows programs to easily capture and interpret
Nmap results. You can give the argument '-' (with-
out quotes) to shoot output into stdout (for shell
pipelines, etc). In this case normal output will
be suppressed. Watch out for error messages if you
use this (they will still go to stderr). Also note
that '-v' may cause some extra information to be
This logs the results of your scans in a grepable
form into the file you specify as an argument.
This simple format provides all the information on
one line (so you can easily grep for port or OS
information and see all the IPs. This used to be
the preferred mechanism for programs to interact
with Nmap, but now we recommend XML output (-oX
instead). This simple format may not contain as
much information as the other formats. You can
give the argument '-' (without quotes) to shoot
output into stdout (for shell pipelines, etc). In
this case normal output will be suppressed. Watch
out for error messages if you use this (they will
still go to stderr). Also note that '-v' will
cause some extra information to be printed.
thIs l0gz th3 r3suLtS of YouR ScanZ iN a s|
A network scan that is cancelled due to control-C,
network outage, etc. can be resumed using this
option. The logfilename must be either a normal
(-oN) or machine parsable (-oM) log from the
aborted scan. No other options can be given (they
will be the same as the aborted scan). Nmap will
start on the machine after the last one success-
fully scanned in the log file.
Reads target specifications from the file specified
RATHER than from the command line. The file should
contain a list of host or network expressions
seperated by spaces, tabs, or newlines. Use a
hyphen (-) as inputfilename if you want nmap to
read host expressions from stdin (like at the end
of a pipe). See the section target specification
for more information on the expressions you fill
the file with.
-iR This option tells Nmap to generate its own hosts to
scan by simply picking random numbers :). It will
never end. This can be useful for statistical sam-
pling of the Internet to estimate various things.
If you are ever really bored, try nmap -sS -iR -p
80 to find some web servers to look at.
This option specifies what ports you want to spec-
ify. For example '-p 23' will only try port 23 of
the target host(s). '-p 20-30,139,60000-' scans
ports between 20 and 30, port 139, and all ports
greater than 60000. The default is to scan all
ports between 1 and 1024 as well as any ports
listed in the services file which comes with nmap.
For IP protocol scanning (-sO), this specifies the
protocol number you wish to scan for (0-255).
-F Fast scan mode.
Specifies that you only wish to scan for ports
listed in the services file which comes with nmap
(or the protocols file for -sO). This is obviously
much faster than scanning all 65535 ports on a
Causes a decoy scan to be performed which makes it
appear to the remote host that the host(s) you
specify as decoys are scanning the target network
too. Thus their IDS might report 5-10 port scans
from unique IP addresses, but they won't know which
IP was scanning them and which were innocent
decoys. While this can be defeated through router
path tracing, response-dropping, and other "active"
mechanisms, it is generally an extremely effective
technique for hiding your IP address.
Separate each decoy host with commas, and you can
optionally use 'ME' as one of the decoys to repre-
sent the position you want your IP address to be
used. If your put 'ME' in the 6th position or
later, some common port scan detectors (such as
Solar Designer's excellent scanlogd) are unlikeley
to show your IP address at all. If you don't use
'ME', nmap will put you in a random position.
Note that the hosts you use as decoys should be up
or you might accidently SYN flood your targets.
Also it will be pretty easy to determine which host
is scanning if only one is actually up on the net-
work. You might want to use IP addresses instead
of names (so the decoy networks don't see you in
their nameserver logs).
Also note that some (stupid) "port scan detectors"
will firewall/deny routing to hosts that attempt
port scans. Thus you might inadvertantly cause the
machine you scan to lose connectivity with the
decoy machines you are using. This could cause the
target machines major problems if the decoy is,
say, its internet gateway or even "localhost".
Thus you might want to be careful of this option.
The real moral of the story is that detectors of
spoofable port scans should not take action against
the machine that seems like it is port scanning
them. It could just be a decoy!
Decoys are used both in the initial ping scan
(using ICMP, SYN, ACK, or whatever) and during the
actual port scanning phase. Decoys are also used
during remote OS detection ( -O ).
It is worth noting that using too many decoys may
slow your scan and potentially even make it less
accurate. Also, some ISPs will filter out your
spoofed packets, although many (currently most) do
not restrict spoofed IP packets at all.
In some circumstances, nmap may not be able to
determine your source address ( nmap will tell you
if this is the case). In this situation, use -S
with your IP address (of the interface you wish to
send packets through).
Another possible use of this flag is to spoof the
scan to make the targets think that someone else is
scanning them. Imagine a company being repeatedly
port scanned by a competitor! This is not a sup-
ported usage (or the main purpose) of this flag. I
just think it raises an interesting possibility
that people should be aware of before they go
accusing others of port scanning them. -e would
generally be required for this sort of usage.
Tells nmap what interface to send and receive pack-
ets on. Nmap should be able to detect this but it
will tell you if it cannot.
Sets the source port number used in scans. Many
naive firewall and packet filter installations make
an exception in their ruleset to allow DNS (53) or
FTP-DATA (20) packets to come through and establish
a connection. Obviously this completely subverts
the security advantages of the firewall since
intruders can just masquerade as FTP or DNS by mod-
ifying their source port. Obviously for a UDP scan
you should try 53 first and TCP scans should try 20
before 53. Note that this is only a request --
nmap will honor it only if and when it is able to.
For example, you can't do TCP ISN sampling all from
one host:port to one host:port, so nmap changes the
source port even if you used -g.
Be aware that there is a small performance penalty
on some scans for using this option, because I
sometimes store useful information in the source
port number.
-n Tells Nmap to NEVER do reverse DNS resolution on
the active IP addresses it finds. Since DNS is
often slow, this can help speed things up.
-R Tells Nmap to ALWAYS do reverse DNS resolution on
the target IP addresses. Normally this is only
done when a machine is found to be alive.
-r Tells Nmap NOT to randomize the order in which
ports are scanned.
Tells Nmap to shuffle each group of up to 2048
hosts before it scans them. This can make the
scans less obvious to various network monitoring
systems, especially when you combine it with slow
timing options (see below).
Sets the maximum number of sockets that will be
used in parallel for a TCP connect() scan (the
default). This is useful to slow down the scan a
little bit and avoid crashing remote machines.
Another approach is to use -sS, which is generally
easier for machines to handle.
Generally Nmap does a good job at adjusting for
Network characteristics at runtime and scanning as
fast as possible while minimizing that chances of
hosts/ports going undetected. However, there are
same cases where Nmap's default timing policy may
not meet your objectives. The following options
provide a fine level of control over the scan tim-
These are canned timing policies for conveniently
expressing your priorities to Nmap. Paranoid mode
scans very slowly in the hopes of avoiding detec-
tion by IDS systems. It serializes all scans (no
parallel scanning) and generally waits at least 5
minutes between sending packets. Sneaky is simi-
lar, except it only waits 15 seconds between send-
ing packets. Polite is meant to ease load on the
network and reduce the chances of crashing
machines. It serializes the probes and waits at
least 0.4 seconds between them. Normal is the
default Nmap behaviour, which tries to run as
quickly as possible without overloading the network
or missing hosts/ports. Aggressive mode adds a 5
minute timeout per host and it never waits more
than 1.25 seconds for probe responses. Insane is
only suitable for very fast networks or where you
don't mind losing some information. It times out
hosts in 75 seconds and only waits 0.3 seconds for
individual probes. It does allow for very quick
network sweeps though :). You can also reference
these by number (0-5). For example, '-T 0' gives
you Paranoid mode and '-T 5' is Insane mode.
These canned timing modes should NOT be used in
combination with the lower level controls given
Specifies the amount of time Nmap is allowed to
spend scanning a single host before giving up on
that IP. The default timing mode has no host time-
Specifies the maximum amount of time Nmap is
allowed to wait for a probe response before
retransmitting or timing out that particular probe.
The default mode sets this to about 9000.
When the target hosts start to establish a pattern
of responding very quickly, Nmap will shrink the
amount of time given per probe. This speeds up the
scan, but can lead to missed packets when a
response takes longer than usual. With this param-
eter you can guarantee that Nmap will wait at least
the given amount of time before giving up on a
Specifies the initial probe timeout. This is gen-
erally only useful when scanning firwalled hosts
with -P0. Normally Nmap can obtain good RTT esti-
mates from the ping and the first few probes. The
default mode uses 6000.
Specifies the maximum number of scans Nmap is
allowed to perform in parallel. Setting this to
one means Nmap will never try to scan more than 1
port at a time. It also effects other parallel
scans such as ping sweep, RPC scan, etc.
Specifies the minimum amount of time Nmap must wait
between probes. This is mostly useful to reduce
network load or to slow the scan way down to sneak
under IDS thresholds.
Everything that isn't an option (or option argument) in
nmap is treated as a target host specification. The sim-
plest case is listing single hostnames or IP addresses on
the command line. If you want to scan a subnet of IP
addresses, you can append '/mask' to the hostname or IP
address. mask must be between 0 (scan the whole internet)
and 32 (scan the single host specified). Use /24 to scan
a class 'C' address and /16 for a class 'B'.
Nmap also has a more powerful notation which lets you
specify an IP address using lists/ranges for each element.
Thus you can scan the whole class 'B' network 192.168.*.*
by specifying '192.168.*.*' or '192.168.0-255.0-255' or
even '192.168.1-50,51-255.1,2,3,4,5-255'. And of course
you can use the mask notation: ''. These
are all equivalent. If you use asterisks ('*'), remember
that most shells require you to escape them with back
slashes or protect them with quotes.
Another interesting thing to do is slice the Internet the
other way. Instead of scanning all the hosts in a class
specifying hosts to scan, see the examples section.
Here are some examples of using nmap, from simple and nor-
mal to a little more complex/esoteric. Note that actual
numbers and some actual domain names are used to make
things more concrete. In their place you should substi-
tute addresses/names from your own network. I do not
think portscanning other networks is illegal; nor should
portscans be construed by others as an attack. I have
scanned hundreds of thousands of machines and have
received only one complaint. But I am not a lawyer and
some (anal) people may be annoyed by nmap probes. Get
permission first or use at your own risk.
nmap -v
This option scans all reserved TCP ports on the machine . The -v means turn on verbose mode.
nmap -sS -O
Launches a stealth SYN scan against each machine that is
up out of the 255 machines on class 'C' where target.exam- resides. It also tries to determine what operat-
ing system is running on each host that is up and running.
This requires root privileges because of the SYN scan and
the OS detection.
nmap -sX -p 22,53,110,143,4564 198.116.*.1-127
Sends an Xmas tree scan to the first half of each of the
255 possible 8 bit subnets in the 198.116 class 'B'
address space. We are testing whether the systems run
sshd, DNS, pop3d, imapd, or port 4564. Note that Xmas
scan doesn't work on Microsoft boxes due to their
deficient TCP stack. Same goes with CISCO, IRIX, HP/UX,
and BSDI boxes.
nmap -v --randomize_hosts -p 80 '*.*.2.3-5'
Rather than focus on a specific IP range, it is sometimes
interesting to slice up the entire Internet and scan a
small sample from each slice. This command finds all web
servers on machines with IP addresses ending in .2.3,
.2.4, or .2.5 find more interesting machines starting at
127. so you might want to use '127-222' instead of the
first asterisks because that section has a greater density
of interesting machines (IMHO).
host -l | cut '-d ' -f 4 | ./nmap -v -iL -
Do a DNS zone transfer to find the hosts in
and then feed the IP addresses to nmap. The above com-
mands are for my GNU/Linux box. You may need different
commands/options on other operating systems.
Bugs? What bugs? Send me any that you find. Patches are
nice too :) Remember to also send in new OS fingerprints
so we can grow the database. Nmap will give you a submis-
sion URL when an appropriate fingerprint is found.
The newest version of nmap can be obtained from
nmap is (C) 1995-2001 by Insecure.Com LLC
libpcap is also distributed along with nmap. It is copy-
righted by Van Jacobson, Craig Leres and Steven McCanne,
all of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Univer-
sity of California, Berkeley, CA. The version distributed
with nmap may be modified, pristine sources are available
from .
This program is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; Ver-
sion 2. This guarantees your right to use, modify, and
redistribute Nmap under certain conditions. If this
license is unacceptable to you, Insecure.Org may be will-
ing to sell alternative licenses (contact
Source is provided to this software because we believe
users have a right to know exactly what a program is going
to do before they run it. This also allows you to audit
the software for security holes (none have been found so
Source code also allows you to port Nmap to new platforms,
fix bugs, and add new features. You are highly encouraged
to send your changes to for possible
incorporation into the main distribution. By sending
these changes to Fyodor or one the develop-
ment mailing lists, it is assumed that you are offering
Fyodor the unlimited, non-exclusive right to reuse, mod-
ify, and relicense the code. This is important because
the inability to relicense code has caused devastating
problems for other Free Software projects (such as KDE and
NASM). Nmap will always be available Open Source. If you
wish to specify special license conditions of your contri-
butions, just say so when you send them.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
details (it is in the COPYING file of the nmap distribu-
It should also be noted that Nmap has been known to crash
certain poorly written applications, TCP/IP stacks, and
even operating systems. Nmap should never be run against
mission critical systems unless you are prepared to suffer
downtime. We acknowledge here that Nmap may crash your
systems or networks and we disclaim all liability for any
damage or problems Nmap could cause.
Because of the slight risk of crashes and because a few
black hats like to use Nmap for reconnaissance prior to
attacking systems, there are administrators who become
upset and may complain when their system is scanned.
Thus, it is often advisable to request permission before
doing even a light scan of a network.
Nmap should never be run with privileges (eg suid root)
for security reasons.
All versions of Nmap equal to or greater than 2.0 are
believed to be Year 2000 (Y2K) compliant in all respects.
There is no reason to believe versions earlier than 2.0
are susceptible to problems, but we have not tested them.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
nmap - Network exploration tool and security scanner


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