Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Install Frozen Bubble in Ubuntu / Kubuntu

Frozen Bubble v2.1.0Colorful 3D rendered penguin animations, 100 levels of 1p game, hours and hours of 2p game, nights and nights of 2p/3p/4p/5p game over LAN or Internet, a level-editor, 3 professional quality digital soundtracks, 15 stereo sound effects, 8 unique graphical transition effects, 8 unique logo eye-candies. More than ever, you really need this game. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public...

Monitor & Closed Open Port

Last Mouth im posting about........ Opened port by trojan.........and this time i give to You how to closed open port....u Must have Tools to monitor and open active port.. and i found good software to monitor and Closed port.. the software name is [ ACTIVE PORT ]Active Ports - easy to use tool for Windows NT/2000/XP that enables you to monitor all open TCP/IP and UDP ports on the local computer. Active Ports maps ports to the owning application so you can watch which process has opened which port. It also displays a local and remote IP address for each connection and allows you to terminate the owning process. Active Ports can help you to detect trojans and other malicious programs.Download Active P...

Windows XP ToolBox

This a very old article based on my tiny document “WinDOS tools” which was for a short while on Blackcode, before it was shutdown… It was an article to impres my friends, but found some usefull stuff two when writing it… so let’s take a look at some “hidden” Windows XP programs…MAC Address (getmac)It seems that Windows has a miny tool usefull in finding out our mac address… So type getmac and your MAC(’s) address(es) will appear in the console.Net BIOS Status (Nbtstat)Another information tool, probably you have heard about it when reading some old documentation about Windows hacking… For it to work there should be installed the NetBeUI protocol, type nbtstat to get the full cmd line parameters.CAB Packer (makecab, extrac32)Theres a small packing...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Google hacking

Google hacking is a term that refers to the art of creating complex search engine queries in order to filter through large amounts of search results for information related to computer security. In its malicious format it can be used to detect websites that are vulnerable to numerous exploits and vulnerabilities as well as locate private, sensitive information about others, such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, and passwords. This filtering is performed by using advanced Google operators [1], [2]. While Google was the original tool of the Google hackers, many of the tactics and operators can be used on other search engines, such as MSN Search and Yahoo.Google Hacking involves using Google operators to locate specific strings of text within search results. Some of the more popular...

Basic Remote File Inclusion

DefinitionRemote file inclusion, commonly known as RFI is a form of attack where the attacker trys to inject there own php code inside your php app's. If an attacker can successfully achieve this they will be able to execute any code they wish on your webserver.What is RFI?Small Definition: RFI, (R)emote (F)ile (I)inclusion, is a small but deadly vulnerability found in a major part of the web today. It allows one to (include) (remote) (files).ExampleLets say we have a website that is coded in php, the website uses something like page=page.html to work out which page should be displayed. The code for this might look likeCode:<?php $file =$_GET['page']; //The page we wish to display include($file); ?> What this means is that what ever is passed down to page will get included inside...

Monday, July 21, 2008

Cracking WEP Key With Aircrack-ng

BackTrack is the most Top rated linux live distribution focused on penetration testing. With no installation whatsoever, the analysis platform is started directly from the CD-Rom and is fully accessible within minutes.It's evolved from the merge of the two wide spread distributions - Whax and Auditor Security Collection. By joining forces and replacing these distributions, BackTrack has gained massive popularity and was voted in 2006 as the #1 Security Live Distribution by insecure.org. Security professionals as well as new comers are using BackTrack as their favorite toolset all over the globe.BackTrack has a long history and was based on many different linux distributions until it is now based on a Slackware linux distribution and the corresponding...

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Shell

"What Is a Shell?"Think of the shell as Super-Dooper DOS. You enter a command, the shell checks it out, then the kernel does the rest.Most Linux distributions use bash as the default shell. There are many others. Two of the most popular being pdksh and tcsh (pronounced tea-shell). This manual only covers the bash shell since the purpose of this manual is to get you using Linux as quick as possible. When you become confident with Linux, finding out about the other shells is a piece-of-cake."Why Is It Called a Shell?"The shell's job is to interpret the commands and run the programs you request. Linux is a multi-tasking OS (meaning you can run multiple programs). Linux was also designed to be a multi-user OS, meaning it can run multiple shells. Each user is allocated his/her own shell at login....

The Kernel (The Heart of an OS)

All operating systems have a kernel. The kernel is the heart, the life-blood, the core of an operating system. Everything else is just there to make the operating system worth using. The kernel provides low-level services, such as memory management, basic hardware interaction, networking, and security.The Linux kernel version numbering system works as follows:z.y.xz = Major version (we've had 0, 1, and 2 so far)y = Minor versionx = Revision levelDevelopment of the Linux kernel uses a 'two-tree' system. There's the development tree and the stable tree. If y is an odd number, it's the development tree. If y is even, it's the stable tree.At the time of writing, 2.3.28 is the latest development kernel and 2.2.13 is the latest stable kernel.When Linus (the kernel's creator) decides the 2.3 kernel...

Setting-up an Internet Connection On Ubuntu

- 1 -Logged-in to your guest account, enter:startx...to start X.- 2 -Open a terminal and enter:su -c "control-panel"...followed by the root password when prompted.- 3 -In the control-panel select the "Network Configuration" button to bring up the "Network Configurator" window.- 4 -In the "Nameservers" box, enter your ISP's Primary DNS IP address e.g. If you don't know yours then ask your ISP.- 5 -Select the "Interfaces" button and then select the "Add" button to open the "Choose Interface Type" window.- 6 -It's very likely that you'll be using the default of "PPP", so unless you know otherwise, just press "OK" to bring up the "Create PPP Interface" window.- 7 -In the "Create PPP Interface" window, enter the dial-up phone number, your PPP login name and your PPP password.Note:A...

Upgrading Your Kernel

Dispelling The MysticismMuch mysticism has been built around the difficulty of upgrading your Linux kernel. Truth is, it's not that difficult.Note:You'll need to be logged on as root whilst performing all of the following steps.- 1 -Download/move a kernel source file (e.g. linux-2.2.13.tar.gz) to your /usr/src directory.- 2 -Enter:cd /usr/src- 3 -Enter:rm linux...to remove the symbolic link named linux.- 4 -Enter:tar xzf linux-2.2.13.tar.gz...(changing linux-2.2.13.tar.gz to the name of your kernel source file), to extract the compressed and archived source code files.- 5 -You'll now have a new directory called linux. 'cd' into it, by entering:cd linux- 6 -It's now time to configure everything to your liking -- prior to actually building the kernel image. Newbies will likely find the graphical...

Forgot Your root Password?

Breaking Into Your Own System- 1 -When the LILO: prompt appears (or boot: prompt if you inserted a boot disk), enter:linux -s...or:linux single- 2 -When the bash# prompt appears, enter:passwd...which will then prompt you for a new root password, without asking for the old one!- 3 -Press Ctrl+D and startup Linux proper, and log-in to the root account with your new password!Ok, So How Do I Disable This!Ok so now you're asking how do I prevent other people doing this (your pesky little brother perhaps?). Simple:- 1 -Go into BIOS. (Your BIOS frontend may differ from mine, but whilst steps 2 & 3 might not be exact instructions for you, they will be very similar.)- 2 -Select the option "BIOS FEATURES SETUP" and change "Boot Sequence" from "A, C, SCSI" to "C only", to prevent people getting past...

RPM at the Terminal

RPMRPM (Red Hat Package Manager) is both a filetype (*.rpm) and the application that installs RPMs. One popular piece of software for installing, upgrading, and uninstalling RPMs in X is 'Gnome RPM', but we'll be dealing with how to do it from the terminal.RPM filenames are made up as follows:name-version-release.architecture.rpm...e.g.:tree-1.2-6.i386.rpmInstalling An RPMEnter:rpm -ivh tree-1.2-6.i386.rpm...(replacing tree-1.2-6.i386.rpm with filename.)i = installv = verbose -- to tell you if install was successful (optional)h = display hash marks to indicate progress (optional)Note:If the RPM is on your Red Hat CD, enter:mount /mnt/cdromcd /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMSls | less (to find filename of RPM (q to quit))...then rpm -ivh filename to install.Upgrading An RPMEnter:rpm -Uvh filenameNote:You...

Security and Firewall Basics

OverviewThere are four ‘pillars’ in Information Security:Authentication: To verify somebody’s / something’s identityAccess Control: To restrict access to valuable resourcesConfidentiality: To ensure the privacy of dataIntegrity: To prevent unauthorised changes to data.Various technologies offer one or more of these for various aspects of IT. Examples of technologies that offer some of these pillars are encryption, physical access-control, biometrics, proxies, PKI and firewalls.A firewall offers authentication (limited) and access control for IP.There are three kinds of firewall:A screening router blocks packet by looking at fields in the packet header.A proxy firewall offers a virtual service for the server it’s protecting.A session firewall intercepts the TCP connection to the server it’s...

ipconfig (Windows NT / Windows 98)

Use ipconfig /all to see the complete IP configuration and the MAC address for any device.winipcfg (Windows 95)Use winipcfg to see the complete IP configuration and the MAC address for any device.ifconfig (UNIX)Use ifconfig -au to see the complete IP configuration and the MAC address for all devices on the host.netstat (UNIX and Windows)Use netstat –rn to view the routing tables for the host.route (Windows)Use route print to view the routing tables for a Windows host.route (Windows)Use route add mask to add a new route to the routing table. You can also use default instead of and .Use route delete to delete a route from the routing table.(You must be Administrator to do this)route (Unix)Use route add [-net | -host] destination gatewayUse route delete to delete a route from the routing...


OverviewFTP is an application protocol used to exchange files between computers on the Internet.FTP uses TCP to establish a session between the client and the server.FTP always establishes two TCP connections:The first is the control connection. This connection is made from a random port on the client to port 21 on the server. The FTP commands and error messages are sent over this connection.The 2nd connection is the data connection. The data connection can be made in two different modes: active mode and passive mode. The way the data connection is established for each of these two modes is different (more later). All FTP data, including file downloads and directory listings, is sent along this connection.The FTP data connection can work in two ways: active mode and passive mode. In most FTP...

Ports and Applications

OverviewPorts are the way a client program specifies a particular server program (service) on a host.Higher-level applications that use TCP/IP, such HTTP, have ports with pre-assigned numbers. These are known as "well-known ports" and have been assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).Other application processes are given port numbers dynamically for each connection.When a service (server program) initially is started, it is said to bind to its designated port number. A client program wants to use that service, connects to that port on the server.Key conceptsWell-known ports are:FTP data: 20 File Transfer ProtocolFTP control 21telnet: 23SMTP (mail): 25 Simple Mail Transfer ProtocolDNS (UPD & TCP): 53 Domain Name ServiceHTTP: 80 Hypertext Transfer ProtocolPOP3: 110 Post...

netstat (UNIX and Windows)

Use netstat -an to see what sockets are defined on a host. A socket can either be LISTENING or ESTABLISHED.Tips and tricksYou can search for specific port numbers or IP numbers using find (under Windows) or grep (under Unix). E.g.:D:\>netstat -an |find "139"TCP LISTENINGTCP ESTABLISHEDTCP ESTABLISHEDTCP ESTABLISHEDTCP ESTABLISHED/etc/mail# netstat -an |grep 23tcp4 ESTABLISHEDtcp4 ESTABLISHEDtcp4 FIN_WAIT_2tcp4 *.23 *.* LISTENIf a TCP socket is defined for a specific port number, then you should be able to...

Install an RPM Package on Ubuntu Linux

Installing software on Ubuntu usually entails using Synaptic or by using an apt-get command from the terminal. Unfortunately, there are still a number of packages out there that are only distributed in RPM format.There's a utility called Alien that converts packages from one format to the other. This doesn't always mean that an rpm will work on your system, though. You will need to install some prerequisite software packages in order to install alien, however. These packages include gcc and make.Run this command to install alien and other necessary packages: sudo apt-get install alien dpkg-dev debhelper build-essentialTo convert a package from rpm to debian format, use this command syntax. The sudo may not be necessary, but we'll include it just in case. sudo alien packagename.rpmTo install...

Net Command

NET USER - allows for password management and creation of local users.net user bill hat /adduser bill catThe example above creates a user called bill with the password of "hat".The next line changes the password to cat.I often use this to regularly change all local "administrator" account to a unique value across all workstations.NET Localgroup - is used to create/delete local groups as well as add/remove members.net localgroup flames /addnet localgroup flames fog,madness /addnet localgroup flamesThe example above creates the group called clowns and adds the members bozo and clairabelle to the group clowns. Finally, it lists all the members of the group.I often use this to add/remove various DOMAIN groups to/from the local administrators group as the desktop administrator for a group of computer...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

IP addresses and subnet masking

OverviewAn IP address is actually a 32 bit binary number, consisting of 4 x 8bit octets.The IP address indicates both the subnet to which a host belongs, and the host address within that subnet.The subnet mask (or netmask) indicates the distinction between the host part and the network part of the address.The netmask is also a 32 bit binary number. It lines up with the 32bit address and indicates the network part with 1’s and the host part with 0’sThe mask can also be written as a decimal number using 4 x 8it octets. For e.g. a mask of indicates that the host is in a class [C] network. Thus:11111111 = 255 (1 host), 11111100 = 252 (4 IPs), 11111000 = 248 (8 IPs), 11110000 = 240 (16 IPs), 11100000 = 224 (32 IPs), 11000000 = 192 (64 IPs), 100000000 = 128 (128 IPs) and 00000000 =...

IP Basics

OverviewThe Internet is a network of networks. It is built on IP – the Internet Protocol.IP is a Network Level protocol on the OSI stackAn IP packet is carried in the payload part of the datalink layer protocol (typically Ethernet).The IP packet also has a header and a payloadThe IP header includes Source IP, Destination IP, Payload protocol type and other important control information.Higher level (Transport level) protocols commonly used with IP are UPD, TCP and ICMP.IP is a best-effort packet delivery system. This means that (a) it delivers each packet individually and independently, (b) it offers no guarantee that a packet will be delivered and (c) it offers no mechanism for monitoring the success or failure of a packet delivery.Key conceptsIP: Internet ProtocolUDP: User Datagram ProtocolTCP:...

IP: Internet Protocol

The physical layerOverviewNetworks are built in layers (e.g. the OSI stack)Each layer is independent of the others and they are interchangeable.Ethernet resides on the OSI Datalink layer.IP resides on the OSI Network layer.TCP resides on the OSI Transport layerOther protocols that can inter-operate with IP on the Datalink layer are: Token Rink, PPP, SLIP, X.25 Frame Relay etcEach Ethernet network card has a unique address – physical address or Media Access Control (MAC) address.An Ethernet frame (packet) consists of a header and a payload (data).The header contains the source address, the destination address and control information.The payload can contain data for any protocol (e.g. IP).If the payload contains IP data, then the MAC address is mapped to the IP address using the Address Resolution...

nmap - Network exploration tool and security scanner

SYNOPSIS : nmap [Scan Type(s)] [Options] DESCRIPTION Nmap is designed to allow system administrators and curi- ous individuals to scan large networks to determine which hosts are up and what services they are offering. nmap supports a large number of scanning techniques such as: UDP, TCP connect(), TCP SYN (half open), ftp proxy (bounce attack), Reverse-ident, ICMP (ping sweep), FIN, ACK sweep, Xmas Tree, SYN sweep, IP Protocol, and Null scan. See the Scan Types section for more details. nmap also offers a number of advanced features such as remote OS detection via TCP/IP fingerprinting, stealth scanning, dynamic delay and retransmission calculations, parallel scanning, detec- tion of down hosts via parallel pings, decoy...

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