Saturday, December 14, 2013

SARDU – Multiboot USB Creator (Windows)

SARDU is another nice Windows based Multiboot USB Creator that can also be used to create Multiboot CD/DVD's. Created by Davide Costa, SARDU enables you to create a Multiboot UFD containing your basic essential Utilities, Antivirus, and Windows XP/7 Installers. On top of that, SARDU offers the built in ability to Defragment your USB Drive, and burn an ISO to CD/DVD.

WARNING! I've been informed that SARDU is now potentially packaged with Adware. As a result, I recommend avoiding this tool. Back in Jan 2011, when this post was originally written, SARDU was a good clean tool!.If you choose to use this program, first check it for viruses/trojans/malware using an online multiple scan utility such as Virus Total.SARDU – Another Multiboot USB Creator for Windows
Authors Website: 

Simple usage example to create a Multiboot USB:

1.Download Unzip and Run latest version of SARDU
2.(1) Click the ISO Icon to select the folder containing your ISO's (2) Select your USB Drive (3) Click the USB Icon to Create the Multiboot USB

3.Restart your PC,setting your BIOS or Boot Menu to boot from the Flash Drive. Proceed to boot from the USB and enjoy.


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